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Exempler provides a host of applications in the testing, power monitoring and electronic surveillance spaces. Our applications are designed to maximize effectiveness while minimizing cost. We pride ourselves with delivering lightweight cost-effective solutions that solve complex technology problems


TestSecretary is the World's first Continuous-Risk-Benefit (CRB) Quality Assurance hub for the tech industry. TestSecretary provide data to help mitigate the most critical defects before they are encountered by customers. The platform is designed to be injected at any point in your development pipeline for maximum effect.


The Mobile Autonomous Geo Inter-device Controller, MAGIC, is an Android App that enables unsupervised self-testing. MAGIC devices autonomously engage in testing without any external prompting. Moreover, MAGIC devices possess situational awareness and independently run tests and confirm test outcomes based on their operational environments.


PowerOutageMonitorTM (POM) is Geographical power outage monitoring systems that detects and records power outage events. The system maps the exact location of the power event and can send alerts to interested parties. The current power outage status for a geographical region as well as outage history is available via a Web GUI.


SnakeEyeSecurityTM (SES) is a powerful, yet easy to use video surveillance system. Unlike most systems on the market, the SES unit is dual cellular and wifi capable, giving it a truly global outreach. With SES intruders will be caught on video as soon as they enter the protected area. Surveillance videos can be viewed remotely using a browser, locally on the system or on your smart phone.


NED is cost saving predictive analytics application, that helps in the design of engineering systems comprised of highly complex mechanistic models using the least amount of data possible. Given an operability region and postulated mechanistic models, NED will arrive at the best model while minimizing the data used.

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